To read my darker,
edgier books, check out
the novels I write as
Korin I. Dushayl


March 11, 2024
"Farewell Pinterest, Hello KOSA?"

December 12, 2022
"Stop Federal Persecution of Cozcacuauhtli"

February 18, 2021
"When Is a Library Not a Library"

November 2, 2020
"The Coup Started Five Months Ago"

October 27, 2020
"Why I Won’t #VoteBlue"

October 8, 2020
"A Liberal, an Abolitionist, a Radical Meet on Twitter"

September 05, 2020
"Violent Police Response to Protests Against Police Brutality"

August 31, 2020
"Never Underestimate Power of Politicians to Make Things Worse"

August 17, 2020
"GoFundme Supports White Supremacy and Racism"

July 30, 2020
"So Much Misinformation"

July 25, 2020
"To Those Still Asleep"

July 22, 2020
"24-25 July 2020 Call for Action"

July 18, 2020
"Never Again Is Now"

July 17, 2020
"This Is What Fascism Looks Like"

September 26, 2019
"Banned Books Week"

August 1, 2017
"The Tell-Trump Heart"

June 1, 2017
"To White Supremacists 'Free Speech' is Code for Inciting Violence"

January 3, 2017
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing."

September 8, 2016
"Privilege Blind"

November 2, 2015
"Staying Safe Online"

September 10, 2015
"Rites of the Savage Tribe"

May 27, 2015
"#KoboFail: erotica ≠ romance and romance ≠ erotica"

April 21, 2015
"Medical Inequality"

December 30, 2014
"Not a book review: Racism in America then and now"

October 28, 2014
"Vote Blue"

September 23, 2014
"Banned Books Week: Why Readers Need to Care About Ebook Sellers’ Arbitrary and Capricious Content Guidelines"

July 29, 2014
"Do I Pass?"

June 19, 2014
"Forced Pregnancy Movement"

April 29, 2014
"Coffee Shop as Office"

April 3, 2014
"Talking to Your Daughters About Sex"

March 13, 2014
"Cacophony of Gossip, Fabrications, Deceptions, etc."

March 5, 2014
"Just because you read it in a book…"

February 3, 2014
"Why Writing About Female Submission is a Feminist Act"

January 27, 2014
"KOTW: Clothed Female Naked Male (CFNM)"

October 22, 2013
"'Feminist' Backlash Against BDSM: A FemDom defends the eroticization of male domination"

October 14, 2013
"What Some Women Tops and Bottoms Have in Common"

September 17, 2013
"Older Than Her Chronological Age"

August 26, 2013
"Kink of the Week: Sapiosexuality"

August 13, 2013
"Mortgage Fraud — a personal perspective"

June 25, 2013
"Stolen Rights: Are you one of more than a hundred victims?"

October 22, 2012
"Election 2012 Endorsements: A Closer Look at Hidden Ballot Bombs"

July 28, 2012
"Judging a Book by its Cover"

May 22, 2012
"Avoiding Abuse in the Search for D/s"

March 26, 2012
"PayPal Back Pedals: Excuse Me if I Don’t Celebrate"

March 20, 2012
"Dirty Mind vs. Debit Card: My Anger Inspired Me"

February 2, 2012
"Busted Boobies or Titting Around with Cover Art"

December 4, 2011
"At Her Feet: Powering Your Femdom Relationship"

October 24, 2011
"BDSM Labels"

October 18, 2011
"Sex in Sin City: The Erotic Author’s Association Inaugural Conference"

July 26, 2011
"The Localvore Diet"

July 20, 2011
"Joining the Indie Revolution"

April 13, 2010
"Play at your own risk"

March 13, 2010
"Law for Corporate Profit"

January 10, 2010
"How to Destroy a 15-year Customer Relationship"

December 6, 2009
"Personal Art Work Perceptions"

October 18, 2009
"Author Platforms"

September 26, 2009
"Whose story is it anyway?"

September 18, 2009
"A Novel’s Journey"

July 12, 2009
"Feminist Pornography"

April 16, 2009
"Additional Reasons To Not Forget #amazonfail"

April 14, 2009
"Why We Should Not Forget #amazonfail"
The Coup Started Five Months Ago
November 2, 2020
The steps listed in an article (circulating on social media) instructing U.S. citizens about the "10 things you need to know to stop a coup" are way too little and far too late. The one insisting "Do call it a coup" so "people know it's wrong and a violation of Democratic norms", is particularly droll.

Because, the fascist coup started on June 1 when the president ordered federal troops, decked out in full Robocop gear, to fire tear-gas and rubber bullets at unarmed civilians protesting in front of the White House so he could walk across the street for a photo opportunity at a church he had attended exactly twice before holding a bible he's never read.

Yet, very few people recognized or called it that. Not one thing was done by anyone in power to stop it. Not a single elected/appointed official -- no one in Congress, no judges, no generals -- took any action to stop it. None of the necessary steps listed in the article were implemented.

People have just blithely continued on with their lives, albeit distracted by a pandemic, despite the fact that the police and military are occupying cities across the country, preventing people from voting, brutally attacking citizens exercising their rights as specified in the First Amendment, and throwing them into filthy, plague-ridden jails despite them not having committed any crimes. (The citizens that is, the police have committed a multitude of crimes.)

The U.S. is on life support. And there are now two groups of people left of center: those who realize this and do not believe a white supremacist oligarchy is worth saving and those who still think voting for a police-apologist ticket backed by fossil fuel, insurance, and pharmaceutical companies will improve anything.

People complain that #TraitorInChief is getting more and more outrageous, but they refuse to acknowledge that the reason he's doing so is to test boundaries. And no one sets any. No one pushes back. No one with the power to stop him does anything at all.

Democrats continue to wag their fingers at and scold das Fuhrer for meaningless tweets, as they have done for the past 1,380+ days, all while ignoring the fact that he is converting the Federal government into his own private fiefdom and personal piggy bank.

Members of Congress were too busy securing their own financial welfare and power bases to take steps to protect U.S. lives from a virulent, deadly pandemic that leaves even those who have few or no symptoms with life-long heart, lung, and neural issues, disproportionally harms BIPOC, and has killed almost 250,000 people in the U.S., more than 20 percent of the deaths worldwide in a country with only 4 percent of the world's population.

The #LiarInChief has violated the U.S. Constitution, every single minute he's been in office. He's committed treason. He is a proven thief and conman. Despite this, Congress only impeached him once and that was for one of the least of his crimes, making it easy for the Senate to deride the charges and refuses to convict. The House of Representatives could have impeached Putin's Puppet for a different Constitutional violation every single day since the Democrats took it over without repeating. Whether or not the Senate would have convicted him, every Representative is guilty of letting him get away with shredding the Constitution they swore to protect.

That said, the #CriminalinChief is just a symptom not the problem. The only difference between him and "uncle" Joe is that the Mango Mussolini says the quiet parts out loud, has no filters, is more blatant in his theft/lies, and has turned those parts of the world that didn't already openly hate our guts against us.

Yet, people still naïvely want to believe that the White House could be significantly better/different if occupied by the author of the bill that has fed the for-profit prison pipeline and disrupted/devastated Black communities for more than two decades, who made it clear he won't do anything to implement universal health care even during a pandemic, said he won't stop fracking or fossil fuel pipelines then turns around and lies about his position on climate change depending on whether he's talking to his corporate masters or the people he expects to vote for him, is vetting GOP candidates for Cabinet positions, and believes the unqualified, right-wing racist, trans-hating, forced-pregnancy-movement proponent now sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court "seems like a very fine person".

His running mate, selected for the color of her skin and her genitalia, is no better. She supports #KillerCops, forced significant numbers of BIPOC to serve longer-than-necessary prison terms, fought to keep BIPOC in prison even after charges against them were tossed, and forced trans women into male prison facilities while denying them medical care.

"Biden and Harris have been on the front lines of maintaining and protecting the racist police force and brutal prison system." If you really still believe that Democrats are any different from Republicans, it is worth noting that the former fought harder to prevent a left-leaning candidate from appearing at the top of the ballot and any attempts to make the platform slightly more progressive than they did to stop Amy Barrett's authorization to spend the rest of her life ignoring the Constitution and all the laws of Congress to shove her religion down our throats from a Supreme Court bench.

It really doesn't matter what happens Tuesday. If elected, Jim Crow Joe will be much more polite and make amends with some world leaders (at least the ones not sniggering about how we deserve this). But, LGBTQ2S+, BIPOC, and other marginalized people will continue to lose what little ground they've gained over the last few decades; the U.S. will persist in polluting the planet; brutal racist will keep viciously abusing immigrant adults and children in U.S. concentration camps, etc.

This is a White Supremacist oligarchy, founded by White Supremacist colonialists, governed by a Constitution written to enforce heteronormative, patriarchal White Supremacy. (That "well-regulated militia" in the Second Amendment referred to Slave Patrols. And the Electoral College was created to allow slave "owners" to use their "property" for political power and is now one of the tools used to help disenfranchise descendants of those slaves. Just two among many examples found in the document.)

The main difference if the Back-the-Blue (as in police but, I'll take credit for the pun) ticket wins the election is who will take up arms first and how quickly the war will start.

Don't get me wrong. I voted. Mostly because there's plenty of opportunities down ballot to try and keep Q-conspiracy theorists out of office. (As stated, I voted for #AllThePeople by writing in Mark Charles for president and Adrian Wallace for VP.)

I've also made sure my household hasa enough supplies to last the rest of the year.

But, I'm privileged. I can afford to buy three months worth of food, paper goods, disinfectant, and cat supplies. And I own my home.

I'm least worried about myself and most worried about all those who don't have enough to eat, who police are murdering, courts are tossing out into the street as winter begins, and who, despite that, are expected to risk their lives and their wallets standing in line for hours in inclement weather to choose between a megalomaniac and a corporate stooge.

The latter will not save them from the oligarchy because that is his donors to whom he will always show allegiance. He'll just do it wearing a better suit and while speaking more coherently though so the liberals can go back to enjoying socially-distanced brunch.